Sunday, September 10, 2006

Georgetown has a nursing school?

Here's a joke for both of Georgetown's Nursing students.

What did the spleen say to the colon?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I've noticed that when times get too tough to handle, men become homeless beggars while women become prostitutes. It's interesting to me because the Bible would say that what men crave most is respect and what women crave most is love. The main thing that a beggar is blatantly denied is respect while the main thing that a prostitute is blatantly denied is love. Weird coincidence or not? Comments are desired.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Update Alert

3am is the new midnight. you heard it here first.

and making absolute statements about God without even considering other opinions is likely to net you one of these.

More to the point, an actual pseudomemory dating April 8th, 2006:

he awoke with a start

3000 volts straight to his heart

his life was over before it began

only the dream of a comatose man.

I'll be here all night....

waiting. like Chuck Norris: he doesn't sleep; he waits.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Startling Message from my Secret Admirer

At first, I thought you were too good to be true; but now I realize you are too true to be good.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Problem of the 90s

Nation: a group of people united by a common error about their ancestry and a common dislike of their neighbors.

Friday, March 17, 2006

We have a duty to integrity to the truth we continually approach.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

An Opening Remark

Truth grew in my mind like a fungus, and though I tried to keep it out, there was no resisting the epiphanies.